Message from the President
Message from Yasuhiro Ishino, President
Everything starts with the people who shape comfort.
Yasuhiro Ishino,Tange Associates CEO
At Tange Associates, people are our priority; for them, we put a shape to comfort.
Architectural design is a continuous daily cycle of choices and decisions. How much space do we need? How will we connect each of the spaces? It is through a series of decisions, each impacting the design, that an architectural project is completed.
Good judgment relies on solid principles. At Tange Associates, our priority is to provide comfort to the people who will use the building.
Kenzo Tange said, “Only beautiful things are functional.” Through the use of design, complex requirements and functionality are combined to lead to the creation of beauty. Tange Associates takes this concept one step further, expressed as follows: “Only that which is beautiful and functional can be comfortable.”
The standards for beauty and functionality in Japan are different from those overseas; they are also different in the city and in the suburbs. However, regardless of era or location, it is always people who experience beauty and functionality.
Tange Associates considers the future of the city from the point of view of architecture and we think about architecture in terms of what a city needs. However, it is always people who are the center of our work.
Dialogue with the client is ongoing throughout the project. While responding to the client’s specific requests, we draw out and give shape to the comfort that the architecture will provide. This pursuit of design that will create comfortable places for people is Tange Associates’ ultimate goal.
- Company Information Tange Associates company information
- Philosophy Tange Associates Philosophy
- Message from the President Message from Yasuhiro Ishino, President
- List of Principals Tange Associates’ main members
- Office Locations Offices addresses and maps
- About Kenzo Tange About our founder, Kenzo Tange