Tange Associates Philosophy
Giving thought to space. Savoring comfort in time. Making a better tomorrow starting today. Using challenges as a springboard to design spaces that provide comfort.
DNA inherited over the years by Tange Associates.
With the intention to add a “plus” to yesterday, and again to today for tomorrow, Tange Associates endeavors to continually improve on the past to make a better future, that is our DNA+.
In the very beginning of a project, we initiate a dialogue with our clients. Wherever in the world they may be, we engage in multiple conversations with the client. Through this interactive process, we seek to identify the paths and techniques that will serve to design their dreams with an outcome that thoroughly pleases them.
Then we look beyond each individual design to the community that develops from the architecture and surrounding cities. We communicate Japanese architectural culture to the world and actively participate in international exchange through projects.
Everything starts with the thoughts and dreams of the client. We integrate these ideas into the space and provide comfort to people who will spend time there in an effort to add a plus for a better future in the present age.
As long as there is human activity, Tange Associates will continue to aspire to provide our clients, the community, and society as a whole a better future with our DNA+.